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National Regulations part 2 (english)

National Regulations part 2 (english)

The Besluit aanmelding van collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten en het verzoeken om algemeen verbindend verklaring (Notification of Collective Agreements and Applications for Declarations of Universal Binding Status Decree) contains rules in more detail relating to an application for an order declaring universally binding status. It requires both specification of the relevant provisions of the collective agreement and the period for which universally binding status is requested. Parties must also state if any employment relationships (companies or subsections of an industry) should be excluded.

The Toetsingskader Algemeen Verbindend Verklaring CAO-bepalingen (Assessment Framework Declaration of Universally Binding Status Provisions of collective agreements) contains policy rules regarding the order declaring universally binding status of provisions of collective agreements and regarding exemptions. An application for exemption can only be submitted by employers or parties that have concluded a legally effective collective agreement. It is also required that the parties to the collective agreement are independent in respect of each other.

Directly to (in Dutch available only)

National Regulations
Wet op de collectieve arbeidsovereenkomst 
Integrale tekst besluit aanmelding cao/avv d.d. 12 juli 2019 
Wet op de loonvorming 
Wet AVV 
Besluit fondsen en spaarregelingen 
Toetsingskader AVV per 26 juni 2024 
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